Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shouts Of Joy!

Baptism. A special time. Tenderness. Explosive joy! A new babe in Christ is toddling into obedience. Not yet sure footed, yet, with the faith and trust of a small child. The testimony of the one who stands before a loving and adoring crowd of people is a proclamation of their undying love of Jesus.

Such a happening took place in our congregation this past Sunday morning. A teen aged boy was in the baptistery with the pastor and as tradition of our body goes, those who are a part of his life stood with him as he was baptized. There was a large group from our youth department that were standing as well as family and other friends. As he came out of the waters the youth group burst out into a spontaneous celebratory cheer that reverberated throughout the auditorium. The shouts were pure joy.

Do you hear Him? Our Holy God! Our Heavenly Father and all of heaven were rejoicing over this young man. He had already been called unto the Father through the Holy Spirit and now once again gave his testimony of God's love.

The moment in time was exciting and sweet. This young man and his friends in the audience at that point in history were saying, "I love Jesus. I will serve my God!"


Such devotion is music to the ears and a sweet aroma to the nostrils of our Almighty God. He accepted true worship.

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