Mike, my husband has been a pastor for almost as long as we have been married. For thirty-five years he has dedicated himself to study of the word of God. He, as my father before him, ministered in small churches. We have memories of VBS, Revivals, church camp and many other events of church life.
Through the years, we have had many pastor friends. There were times when Mike served in the church as a member rather than a pastor, as he does at this point in time. We are members of a wonderful church body. We have had pastors, such as Dr. White, that have been faithful mentors. One in particular was John Barry, who is now with our Lord. He and his wife Gloria walked with us and prayed for us through some difficult times and mentored us with love and compassion. We thank God for them.
The following writing came about as a dedication to the many men with whom God has blessed my life, including our dear pastor, Dr. White, who ministers with much love for the body of Christ.
Bless Our Pastor
On his knees before you,
Is the shepherd of this flock.
Many hours watching, praying, and waiting on you, oh Lord.
Waiting for direction, waiting for your glory to fall.Our shepherd loves your people Lord.
It is evident to see.
His heart yearns for those who hurt,
To be healed, and to be set free.The hours of preparation,
Drinking in with thirsty heart.
As the Holy Spirit feeds his soul.
While reading and studying the Word.Giving counsel to those who ask.
Dilligently protecting this flock,
Pointing to the Living Word.
The Christ, Jesus, our Savior, our Lord.Father, bless our pastor.
The shepherd you have so graciously given.
As the desires of your heart become his very breath,
Give him all he would ever ask.Our dear pastor is human,
With frailties, flaws and sins.
Let your people ever petition you Lord,
For your protection, your grace and mercy to be poured over him.As our pastor, our shepherd, feeds us, oh Lord,
May we be filled to overflowing.
May the overflow be poured out over the lost.
May our community be blessed and take notice.May our pastor's hearts have reason to rejoice.
May our pastor's prayers be answered for his flock and for the lost.
May our pastor's honor of you bring glory to your name.
May our pastgor's heart worship you his Lord,
His Almighty God, his heavenly Father.
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