Saturday, April 2, 2011

When Stress Abounds, God's Love Abounds

Trials bring stress do they not? What is a bump in the road for one individual can prove to be extreemly stressful to someone else dealing with troubling situations.

One thing that strikes me is that for years, I had always thought of the Old and New Testament characters including Moses, Joseph, David, Esther, Paul, Peter, and John, in a different light than I should have. Meaning, I was seeing them as men and women who did not get stressed because they trusted God so much, which leads to the thought, "Since I am stressed, I must not be trusting the Father."

All of these saints of old were like us in the way of stress entering their lives. In David's Psalms, loss of sleep, trepidation, apprehension of the unknown, feelings of discomfort and wanting to be vindicated are all recorded, yet, he trusted God.

I cannot imagine Joseph sleeping soundly at the bottom of the well, or when he was sold into slavery by his brothers, or being in prison for something he did not do.

When Jesus was crucified, all fo the Apostles were fearful and hid.

Paul must have experienced stress in his life while dealing with the immaturity of the different churches. Also, is it reasonable to think that he was distressed for his brothers and sisters in Christ who were being persecuted for the faith? He himself suffered much physical and emotional pain at the hands of many different people. Stress followed throughout his ministry.

There must have been some apprehension in Daniel's life when he was thrown into the lions den.

Esther had great courage, yet, what must she have gone through when she was praying for wisdom, knowing all along that the nation of Isreal was in imminate danger. She could loose her life as well.

All of the above mentioned people were giants in courage and faith. They were not cowards at all. We seem to think, or at least I have, that since they were brave and courageous, they lacked stress, fear and apprehension. Bravery and courage come from a firm faith and action that goes beyond the fear that is present.

Satan wants God's children to feel weak and useless to the Kingdom of God because of our fear, stress and apprehension. Prayerfully, we who find ourselves in this situation will understand that when we come to the Father and confess to him our fear, stress and apprehension, that he will take us where we are and lead us by the Holy Spirit into the experience of courage, bravery and yes, boldness.

The trials we experience in and of themselves are not the point. How we respond to the trials is what God uses to bring about growth and increased faith and most of all Glory to His name.

When we are able to go to the Father with honesty about our heart's condition then allow the Holy Spirit to teach us to put on the full armor of God, the stress level starts to subside. Giving up our "right" to an outcome that we have already set in our heart is a big factor in trusting our Father.

Realizing fear of the unknown is normal is a freeing experience. God does not shame his children because of anxiety. So why do we manage to condemn oursleves and others for something our Father will never condemn us for? We are weak human beings that have the one and only powerful and awesome God of the universe abiding in our hearts. We do not conquer anything. God does.

In a trial, fear comes and goes. Stress ebbs and flows. Our Father will stay with us always. His peace is sweet. Although a trial may continue for a long period of time, we can rest assured that our Father is working out His will and He will be glorified.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Our Help is From the Father

Psalm 121 (NIV)

1 I lift up my eyes to the hills --
where does my help come from ?
2 My help comes form the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip--
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 Indeed, he who watches over Isreal
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD wathces over you--
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm--
he will watch over your life,
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going,
both now and forevermore.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shouts Of Joy!

Baptism. A special time. Tenderness. Explosive joy! A new babe in Christ is toddling into obedience. Not yet sure footed, yet, with the faith and trust of a small child. The testimony of the one who stands before a loving and adoring crowd of people is a proclamation of their undying love of Jesus.

Such a happening took place in our congregation this past Sunday morning. A teen aged boy was in the baptistery with the pastor and as tradition of our body goes, those who are a part of his life stood with him as he was baptized. There was a large group from our youth department that were standing as well as family and other friends. As he came out of the waters the youth group burst out into a spontaneous celebratory cheer that reverberated throughout the auditorium. The shouts were pure joy.

Do you hear Him? Our Holy God! Our Heavenly Father and all of heaven were rejoicing over this young man. He had already been called unto the Father through the Holy Spirit and now once again gave his testimony of God's love.

The moment in time was exciting and sweet. This young man and his friends in the audience at that point in history were saying, "I love Jesus. I will serve my God!"


Such devotion is music to the ears and a sweet aroma to the nostrils of our Almighty God. He accepted true worship.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bless Our Pastor

Growing up in the church with my dad as a pastor was an enriching experience. He preached mostly in small mission churchs. With my mom at his side, they worked countless hours. She was a dedicated mom and pastor's wife. She is now in her early eighties. My dad has gone on to be with his Jesus. One of my fondest childhood memories is of the revivals when the visiting pastors and music directors would sit and share stories of sharing the gospel. They would discuss their love for Jesus and share their testimonies. Wow! What a privelege to be able to sit and listen to these wonderful men of God.

Mike, my husband has been a pastor for almost as long as we have been married. For thirty-five years he has dedicated himself to study of the word of God. He, as my father before him, ministered in small churches. We have memories of VBS, Revivals, church camp and many other events of church life.

Through the years, we have had many pastor friends. There were times when Mike served in the church as a member rather than a pastor, as he does at this point in time. We are members of a wonderful church body. We have had pastors, such as Dr. White, that have been faithful mentors. One in particular was John Barry, who is now with our Lord. He and his wife Gloria walked with us and prayed for us through some difficult times and mentored us with love and compassion. We thank God for them.

The following writing came about as a dedication to the many men with whom God has blessed my life, including our dear pastor, Dr. White, who ministers with much love for the body of Christ.

Bless Our Pastor

On his knees before you,
Is the shepherd of this flock.
Many hours watching, praying, and waiting on you, oh Lord.
Waiting for direction, waiting for your glory to fall.

Our shepherd loves your people Lord.
It is evident to see.
His heart yearns for those who hurt,
To be healed, and to be set free.

The hours of preparation,
Drinking in with thirsty heart.
As the Holy Spirit feeds his soul.
While reading and studying the Word.

Giving counsel to those who ask.
Dilligently protecting this flock,
Pointing to the Living Word.
The Christ, Jesus, our Savior, our Lord.

Father, bless our pastor.
The shepherd you have so graciously given.
As the desires of your heart become his very breath,
Give him all he would ever ask.

Our dear pastor is human,
With frailties, flaws and sins.
Let your people ever petition you Lord,
For your protection, your grace and mercy to be poured over him.

As our pastor, our shepherd, feeds us, oh Lord,
May we be filled to overflowing.
May the overflow be poured out over the lost.
May our community be blessed and take notice.

May our pastor's hearts have reason to rejoice.
May our pastor's prayers be answered for his flock and for the lost.
May our pastor's honor of you bring glory to your name.
May our pastgor's heart worship you his Lord,
His Almighty God, his heavenly Father.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

"One Last Tear"

As she lay in her hospital bed, Betty's family came to the realization that she was about to draw her last breath. She had fought a valiant fight with kidney disease and now her body was weary and tired.

Many hours of dialysis will now come to an end. Paul, her devoted husband had gone with her to almost every treatment for the past six years of their fifty-seven years together. So many of those years were spent in darkness. They did not know Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Three years before Betty found herself in the hospital this one last time, Paul and she met Jesus. All who knew Betty and Paul celebrated.

The last three years of her life were a struggle for Betty, yet she did have more peace. She was no longer angry with her Jehovah God. He offered her comfort and she accepted it.

It has been two years since Betty passed on an April evening in 2008, into the loving arms of her Jesus. Paul followed her on July 4Th of the same year. The family mourned the loss of both of them. Their presence, their laughter, the very essence of the both of them is still missed.

The story that follows is a tribute to the love they both shared. His spirit and her spirit joined the Spirit of God and showed trust. The Holy Spirit of God was most gracious to them on Betty's last day.

One Last Tear

Three years and five months ago began a new walk for Betty and Paul.
As the love of Jesus penetrated deeply,
The overflow of this love brought peace, joy and increased faith.
They will walk together for all eternity.

Betty is now gone and Paul is left behind, much sorrow at her passing.
Yet, joy comes! New Life! Heaven! God's celebration!
For His daughter, Betty, is standing now, face to face with Jesus.
His blood covers her. She is pure! The bride of Christ stands glowing.

Lying on her hospital bed, Betty was ready to go.
Paul was not ready, heartbroken over being without her.
Her eyes now glassy, left with no recognition,
Suddenly came to life and followed Paul.

He spoke to her and said goodbye.
He said "I love you and God loves you."
He kissed his Betty on the forehead and raised up to see,
Her lips were pursed waiting for a kiss and kissed her lips.

One of her favorite hymns began to be sung.
One she had sung herself so many times before.
She listened but could not join in song.
As she heard:
"There is a fountain. Who is a King.
Victorious Warrior! The Lord of everything!
My Rock! My Shelter! My very own!
Blessed Redeemer! Who reigns upon the throne."

Betty's spirit soared! For she personally knew her Lord.
While she was listening to this blessed song,
One last tear was found at the corner of her eye.
Her spirit was comforted. Blessed to overflowing.

That very evening, Betty went to Jesus,
Surrounded by the love of her family.
The Holy Spirit entered the room,
And took Betty to her glorious new home.

Due to the grace and mercy of our loving Father,
With victory she is now looking in the face of her loving Lord.
Surrounded by all of heaven, who join her as she falls before Him.
Singing! Praising! Honoring! Worshiping her Holy God!